
5 ways to make your wellness routine sustainable

by Green Friday Team

5 ways to make your wellness routine sustainable

5 ways to make your wellness routine sustainable

Sustainable living doesn’t have to be overwhelming if you take it one step at a time. It’s all about how your habits can have a long-term impact on your health and the health of our planet. We have put together five wellness tips to inspire and help you implement these practices into your daily routine.

1. Buy from sustainable businesses 

The reason why we should all consider purchasing from sustainable businesses is that it’s simply better for our planet. The production of sustainable goods and services requires more planet-friendly resources that ultimately lessen the amount of waste we are producing. We should all be the force of change by working towards Australia’s agreement to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. You will be able to find incredible sustainable and ethical offers from Australia’s best brands on Green Friday in November. 


2. Start eating less meat and more plants 

Can you believe that meat production attributes to 15% of global greenhouse gas emissions? That’s more than transport! It also requires 8400 litres of water to produce 450g of beef as opposed to 148 litres of water required for every 450g of vegetables. We can all make one easy switch by opting to go meatless for one day a week. By doing this you are saving precious resources like the energy, water, and deforestation that goes into producing meat. 

3. Save water where you can 

Did you know that every minute you shower, you are using 11 litres of water? It’s never been more important to start limiting your shower time to help conserve our precious water. A great way to take control of how long your showers are is to start timing them. You could start queuing one to two songs and be done once the music stops playing. Another great way to start saving water is by reusing the water that ends up going down your drain. Place a bucket on the floor and once you’re done with your shower, you can repurpose it to water your garden. When you’re brushing your teeth, shaving or lathering soap, don’t have your tap on. This could save up to nine litres of water. If you’re in the process of selecting new appliances, opt for ones that are more energy efficient. In Australia, we have a water rating that uses a star rating system to indicate how much water consumption is required. 


4. Wash your clothes using cold water 

Washing your clothes with cold water can have many benefits not only for you but for the environment. By not heating the water in your washing machine, you may reduce your energy costs with every load. An estimated 75 to 90 percent of all the energy your washer uses goes to warming up the water, so switching to colder water can lower your gas or electric bill. It also means that your clothes are less likely to fade, shrink and will be longer lasting. There is extensive research to show that detergents are just as effective in temperatures as low as 15 degrees Celsius


5. Sun dry your clothes 

In Australia, we are lucky enough to have good weather conditions most of the year, that’s why it’s always a better idea to hang your clothes out to dry in the sun as opposed to using the dryer. This is because dryers use a lot of energy and dryer sheets also release chemicals when heated. It’s said that if every household put their clothes out to dry, we will significantly reduce the output of CO2 by millions of tonnes every year. Not only is hanging clothes out free, but it also means you’re saving on the energy bill you’re charged for using a dryer. Sun drying your clothes actually has benefits to your clothes themselves. It can fade stains, kill off leftover bacteria and get rid of any odours using the sun’s natural ultraviolet rays. 


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