
Green Friday: Where are we now?

by Green Friday

Green Friday: Where are we now?

What inspired Green Friday? 
In 2021, we began to observe the frenzy and mass overconsumption that occurs during sales periods such as Black Friday, Click Frenzy and Cyber Monday. We quickly realised that there was no alternative, for eco-conscious consumers to shop from reputable, sustainability-focused brands, all in one place. And just like that…Green Friday was born. 


Why do we exist? 

We know that everyone loves a bit of retail therapy and that it is unreasonable to tell people to: ‘stop consuming altogether!’. However, we believe that overconsumption, fast fashion and non-eco-friendly products are having a detrimental impact on our planet. So, if we are going to consume, we need to do it the right way, with consideration for the environment because the future of our world depends on it. 


Quick recap!

The inaugural Green Friday event ran alongside the Black Friday - Cyber Monday period, showcasing 23 incredible Australian brands that are passionate about reducing waste and promoting ethical consumption. Green Friday grew exponentially from there. In 2022 we had over 150 Aussie brands on board for the 4-day online retail event, which showcased sustainability-focused deals to Australian consumers looking to buy better. 

We believe that brands doing more for our planet deserve recognition, awareness and a platform to shine. Simultaneously, we believe that consumers deserve the opportunity to make informed decisions about their purchases, and to support brands that align with their morals and values. This is why we gave participating brands the opportunity to present their sustainability journeys to consumers through a dedicated brand page on the Green Friday platform. 



This year, we have introduced two new events and a year-round platform…meaning that you can access Green Friday 24/7 - 365 days a year. On the platform you can browse sustainability-focused products from some of your favourite Aussie brands all day, everyday.

Save the Dates
Week long online sales events that celebrate sustainability! The online events feature Australian retailers and brands who have deals (featuring products and/or services) within the sustainability, re-commerce or the circular economy space.

June 2nd to the 9thCelebrate World Environment Day
November 3rd to the 10thBuy Better this holiday season


2023 is the year for education!

At Green Friday we believe in the importance of staying up to date with the latest sustainability news as well as providing tips, tricks and fun ways to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle each day! We are also all about educating YOU on businesses’ sustainability journeys, which is why we have made every affiliate brand of Green Friday complete a sustainability framework. This information is live year-round on our platform because we believe that transparency is key to making informed decisions about our purchases! 


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