Who We Are

What is Green Friday

How does Green Friday work?

What is the Buy Better Marketplace?

How Can My Brand Join the Buy Better Marketplace?

How Can Brands Benefit from Joining Green Friday?

Are There Opportunities for Growth and Improvement for Participating Brands?

How to Join

Sharing API Key

Add Store to MVM App

Import Products

Approve Products

Add Payment Method

Shipping (Configure Zones)

Shipping (Configure Ranges)

Shipping (Configure Rates)

Seller Payout

Sales and Operations

Are there specific steps to follow for cancelling an order in Shopify?

What does the Merchant Agreement say about handling order cancellations?

What should be done if an order is cancelled after dispatch due to Shopify Integration?

How are refunds issued to customers

What should I do if I have a dispute regarding a refund invoice?

How are orders placed on Green Friday integrated with my Shopify store?

What is the recommended shipping process for orders originating from Green Friday?

How do I upload tracking information for orders dispatched through Shopify?

Can I edit tracking information after it has been uploaded?

How quickly should tracking information be uploaded after dispatching an order?

What if the order is split into multiple shipments?

How do I ensure my products listed on Green Friday are up-to-date with my Shopify store?

What happens if I update product prices or inventory levels in my Shopify store?

How do I select specific SKUs or listings from my Shopify store to be displayed on Green Friday?

What steps should I take if my product listings are not syncing correctly?

Payments, Legal, and Taxes

Is there a commission on sales made through the Green Friday platform?

How does Green Friday identify fraudulent orders?

How are fraudulent orders handled?

How will merchants know if an order is on hold or has been verified?

What if the order is canceled due to non-verification or fraud?

Do I need to pay GST on commissions and fees?

What should I do if my account details change, especially related to GST?

What happens with GST if there’s a refund or chargeback?

Are merchants responsible for issuing any invoices directly to customers?

How do refunds affect invoicing and merchant payouts?

What should merchants do if there are discrepancies in their invoices?

What does the RCTI include regarding commissions and fees?

Policies, Requirements, and Compliance

What is the Merchant Agreement?

Are there any specific sales or performance targets I need to meet?

How often is the Merchant Agreement updated, and how will I be notified?

What are the key SLA expectations for merchants on Green Friday?

How should merchants handle order rejections and customer cancellations?

What are the consequences of consistently failing to meet these SLA expectations?

What is the User Policy?

Can I use the Brand Portal to sell any type of product?

What information does Green Friday collect and how is my information used by Green Friday?

Is my personal and business information shared with third parties?

Can I access and update my information?

How are changes to the Privacy Policy communicated to merchants/brands?

If we haven't covered your question above, then please reach out below.

We will happily answer any further questions that you might have.