The Ironclad Library: Finding Fire by Lennox Hastie

Regular price $60.00 AUD
Sale price $60.00 AUD Regular price
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Product Description:

FINDING FIRE by Lennox Hastie
"Finding Fire" by celebrated chef and Ironclad Co. shareholder Lennox Hastie is a bold exploration of cooking at its most elemental—using fire. Known for his passion for wood-fired cooking, Hastie presents recipes that showcase the primal, intense flavours achievable only with open flame. This book blends inspiring techniques, evocative photography, and Lennox’s insights into harnessing the raw power of fire to craft unique dishes.

<p class="text-left ...">"Finding Fire" by Lennox Hastie is an ode to elemental cooking, proudly featured in the Ironclad Library. With over 90 recipes and guidance on building and mastering fires, Hastie shares the art and science of wood-fired cooking. Each recipe invites readers to experiment with traditional techniques, bringing fire’s timeless character to the table.<br><br>With breathtaking visuals and Hastie’s deep expertise, "Finding Fire" is both a hands-on guide and an inspirational journey for cooks eager to embrace a new dimension in cooking.</p>

RRP: AU $60.00

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